Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Much to Catch Up On...Not enough Coffee To Get It All Out

Yes, yes, yes....I'm a bad blogger. I'm supposed to be writing about "Every Little Thing" in an effort to document my family's life. The truth is, business is booming and if I'm on the computer, I'm editing, or Facebooking client's images, or blogging about them here. I assume that in January, this madness will end, and blogging will resume.

I'm beginning to love parent/teacher conferences. Aden's teacher made me cry yesterday as she went on and on about how smart, sweet and loving he is. Of course as his mother, I already know all of this, but it's nice to hear that other people agree with me (as they should). She's going to start supplementing him with kindergarten materials, she said that she has nothing left to teach him. He's supposed to repeat pre-k again next year so that his age will line up with the other children's age. (he's very young for pre-k). We'll see how well pre-k year 2 goes.

"The only thing we need to work on is his eye contact and interaction with his friends, which is greatly improving".

Ya...eye contact shmy contact. 

I used to worry about things like eye contact. I used to have an internal freak out when he would talk to me and stare at my shoes. Last year at this time, he would repeat everything I said. Now he says things like, "Wow, that sure is sour!" and "Daddy, how was your day today?" and...

"Mommy, I love you so much, you're my best friend."

Ya...eye contact shmy contact.

This is why I love living in the desert. My sometimes-assistant (otherwise known as my little brother) and I were setting up for a shoot in the middle of nowhere this weekend, and we turn around to see the sky like this. Within 5 minutes, the magic was gone, but for a short while, we got to bask in the glory of something amazing, something so much bigger than ourselves, God rocked the sky.

My little girl is almost 3. She's potty trained. She's feisty. She's beautiful. She deserves her own post....coming soon.