Monday, January 10, 2011


There is a folder on my desktop that waits for me.  It is patient, understanding, full of unlocked potential. It grows from time to time, occasionally bursting at the seams. Within this folder, little treasures await, like this one....


This folder is called "Sort". It's full of the images that I will get to, that should be first upon my list. The ones I love are hiding within this folder, the ones I cherish the most. This year, I will sort first, and work second. Backing up a bit, here's Christmas. Christmas was a house full of love, naturally-flavored-no-artificiallly-colored-jelly beans, excited children, and tension. My parents are divorcing, and everyone was at my house Christmas morning. It's tough. It will continue to be tough. We'll all come out of the other side, and we'll be better for it. We did have a few quiet, coffee drinking, fresh fruit and vegetable juicing goodness before the madness happened.







More from Sort to come. 

PS Pardon my dust as I learn about Photobucket and images......apparently I selected the wrong size when resizing my vertical images, and there are two sleeping beauties in my house that need to arise from their slumber. Momma doesn't have time to fix this. Images+Blogger=ridiculously ridiculous and nowhere near as cool as Wordpress.