Monday, July 11, 2011


Hello, Blogging Monday. I've made it here successfully, and I've even brought a photograph. Our afternoons usually look like this....


I love my kiddo's faces in these images. Aden's eyes are fixed upon Daddy. He anxiously awaits his return to Daddy's arms, the safe place. Ava, on the other hand, is completely oblivious to any danger she may face as she soars through the air. She's a wild one, not a care in the world. 

Right now there is an apple pie in our toaster oven {yes, toaster over}, and a pot of vegan chili is on it's way. I may burn the house down if I don't close the computer....


Hailey said...

Afternoons look great at your house . . . and I'm so glad that you're back to blogging on Monday's. . . I've missed you!

Katie said...

Glad to be back :) I miss you TOOOOOO!!!!