Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

We had an adorable (and freezing) shoot with Aden, Ava and Jaxton for Valentine's Day. These babies keep me going. They make me get out of bed and smile during this mess of a life. Just the four of us McGihons went to dinner tonight while my sisters were at AWANAS. We laughed, shared chips and salsa, and did some much needed reconnecting. 

Scott woke up early this morning and brought me Starbucks before he went to work, he also wrote me a love letter on our blog (eeekk!!) We happened to have an awesome feature on a national wedding blog, and had a great visit with my mom. While I'm exhausted due to an intense lack of sleep, this day was better, much better than I thought it would be. Sweet, sweet valentines of mine! 


The Hen Basket said...

Hi Katie, what a wonderful website! Your family is just beautiful, and those babies of yours, oh my! Gorgeous! We have something in common, as I have beautiful babies too, only a little older (in their 20's) so, know this dear...the Adventures never end in Mommyhood, they just get better and better! Oh, and we also have another very precious thing in common, I am your Uncle Arlon's little sister, Ryda. Guess me and your mom have more in common. :) Shane is a grown man now with children of his own too. He looks just like Arlon, and I love every bit of that. (you can pick your jaw up off the ground now :) Please give June and Shawn and the rest of the family our best (from my mom Sonja too). God bless and keep up the wonderful Adventures!