Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fixing It (finally)

I guess I'm a bit tired of repeating this story to my friends, and this isn't the best topic to blog about, but I will anyway, to keep everyone updated. Scott and I separated for just under a week (per my request). We've been struggling for quite some time. SOOOOOOOOO, yesterday was our first counseling session and it was great! We both agreed that we would stay with her for the remainder of our work together (yes-we both liked her!). It was definitely a "getting to know you" session, and I only slightly shed ONE tear, so we left happy and looking forward to fixing things. There will really be some long and painful days ahead as we dive in and address our issues, instead of ignoring them. Thanks to everyone for the prayer, phone calls and letters :) It's been hard for me to call my friends back when I know I have nothing positive to say. Sorry :(

Our therapist said at the end of our session that she could tell we still loved each other, had a great connection and both want it to work. We agreed. She said that I need to be doing the things that I love, that I gave up to be married and have babies. So, I'm hoping to find a way to start singing again, maybe acting...I don't know how to do that with two kids but she said it's very important and I have no choice but to be creative in that way. We'll see! Scott and I also have to start dating again. Trust me-we haven't DATED in a loooooong time. 

I guess I could ramble on and on about what all we learned about each other and the things we should be doing...but I won't. Mom2Mom is starting in one hour and I have to get ready! Thanks for reading :)  Here's to fixing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Genny said...

Sorry to hear that you guys are struggling, but I'm so happy to hear that it sounds like you will work through it. I'll be praying for you guys!

The Plonski Family said...

Our wishes and prayers are with you during the difficult time. If you need anything, please let me know :)

Hailey said...

praying . . . thanks for being courageous and letting your blogging world know!