Sunday, January 1, 2012

Oh, Hello, 2012

It's officially 2012, and I have to be honest...if these children don't go back to school I may pull my hair out. When my sisters first came to live with us, school was four weeks away. If it weren't for our pool, our glorious, get-your-ya-ya's-out pool, we would have curled up into a ball and died. Now, after having all five of them home for two weeks, I'm feeling it. The crazy is creeping in. Scott has found me hiding in the bathroom more often than I'd like to admit in this past week. I can survive tomorrow, the last day of Christmas vacation. One more more.

I'm now at the end of my very own little vacation, vacation from my business, that is. I'm feeling refreshed, sightly anxious to jump back into the pile of emails and editing that await, and ready to work smarter, not harder this year. New Year's resolutions always feel silly, so this year, I'm sharing my goals for 2012. Goals are real. Attainable. I do adore taking a pencil and scratching one or two out of my daily list, don't you?

This year, we plan on only producing the kind of work that we love. I took major steps toward it last year. Saying "no" is powerful. I plan to say "no" more often, and only work if my heart is 100% in it. Over these past two weeks, I've come to realize how much attention and love my family of seven really needs, and how little I'm able to give them when I'm working like a mad woman.

I will work towards becoming a better singer, musician, song writer and worship leader.

I will become the Queen of Dinner.

I will successfully maintain my garden, and by doing so, teach my children about sustainability and green eating.

I will read 12 books in 12 months.

I will finally buy a sewing machine, and sew things. Lots of pretty things. 

I will NOT be unprepared for birthdays, holidays and special occasions.

I will be INTENTIONAL about my time, my words, and my actions, every day. 

Basically, I don't want to do anything this year unless I plan on doing it 100%. I want to throw glitter all over 2012 and make it the most lovely, shiny, new, and sparkly thing in the entire world. Cheers to you, 2012!