Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Littles Start School

Our morning was blissful, full of anticipation and without fuss. This day was easy for Sassy Pants. She wasn't changing schools, and had already transitioned to her Pre-K class in June. It was just another happy day for her at preschool. But Buddy? This was big, really big. When the time came, he actually wanted to wear his tie. His teacher was going to love him. He was starting Kindergarten, changing schools, meeting new friends, leaving his Mommy. A few joyful moments before we left the house....


...and then the panic set in. These 2 images were taken before he flipped his lid and made me put the camera away. Yes, my adorable blonde boy, in a tie, crying like a baby and clinging to my leg. He was that kid
"Mommy, please don't go! Mommy, please stay with me! Mommy, please DON'T LEEEEEEAVE MEEEEEEEE!!!!!" (Mind you, Mommies and Daddies were allowed to stay the entire 1st day of school.)

Eventually, he calmed down enough to realize that his teacher was quite nice, he knew a friend or two, and that there were fun things to be done.


This last image is probably one of my favorites....ever. Part of his anxiety was caused by the fact that he was asked to lay on the concrete and smile for a picture (the horror!) I'm pretty sure I promised him doughnuts if he would give me just one smile. He did, and then he sat up and said, "Mommy, I just need a minute to sit." 

Sit, my son, I will wait for you always.