Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Good Morning

Right now it's almost 8:30am and Scott and Ava are sleeping in (why she won't sleep in for me-I"ll never know). Aden is awake and happy so I decided to make my family fresh banana muffins with strussel topping (from scratch OF COURSE!) YUMMY! I love to bake. I can't wait for fall to come around again so that we can go apple picking and then come home and I will turn the apples into delicious apple pie! Seriously, how great are September, October and November?? The weather is perfect and it's APPLE PICKING season!!!!!!!!! I can not tell you all how much I love that. The coffee is hot, the muffins are hot...WAKE UP SCOTT!

Anyway, Ava had her 4 month check up last week and she is getting sooo big! I can't believe that she used to be such a little squirt and now she is in the 70 percentile for weight-holy cow! She is 14 lbs and 10 oz. 24 inches long...that's the 39th percentile-she's catching up. Most of her clothes are still 0-3 months but we are slowly getting into 3-6 months.

My brother Jeffrey and his beautiful fiance Noelle are getting married this coming Saturday! I am the Maid of Honor-I feel special. We'll all be at the Mission Inn in Riverside-the most beautiful place to get married EVER. Scott and I were married there as well. We have a room there for the night of the wedding so it should be great. Aden has this outfit with a vest and tie-he looks incredibly handsome but he HATES it LOL I put it on him and he was throwing the biggest fit :) Ava has am amazing ivory, silk dress to wear-it is tiny up top with little sleeves and itty bitty purple flowers and then it just POOFS out at the bottom-just like a princess dress should be :)

Today Scott and I are going out to lunch-it's been awhile since we've had some time alone so I'm super excited. OOOOHHHHHHH This is random but I must share-I bought Aden the coolest pots and pans set! He loves to be in the kitchen while I'm cooking and I don't want to discourage him but it drives me crazy! I found this great set that is very realistic and comes with lots of cool utensils-he carries around the spoon and big pot everywhere. we cook together. He likes it when I put raisins in his pot-he stirs them around and then gobbles them up. Too cute!

So sleepy after a day of playing at home

Can you believe the beautiful lips on this little girl?!


The Plonski Family said...

Sounds like you all had a great day! It's so nice to just stay home and relax! I do agree, the Fall months are the BEST and my favorite too :)

Holly said...

Martha martha martha!! If only I had the motivation to get up before my family and make breakfast from scratch - that'll be the day!! Good for you though! It sounds like you had a nice day with a good start!