Friday, May 23, 2008

it's been awhile

OK So it's been awhile...

Ava is teething. She is constantly chewing on whatever she can get into her mouth and she is soaking wet. SOAKING WET from drool all over the place. I have never in my life seen a baby drool as much as my daughter-it's insane. She has a big bump on her gum (the bottom) and I can just barely see a tiny, white tooth that is waiting to come in. This also means that we are not sleeping. Ever. She is up at least every two hours and if I don't nurse her she panics. She still won't take a bottle or binkey...can you tell I'm feeling a little frustrated?? We also tried rice cereal and she hated it. I wanted to wait on solids but I'm so desperate for sleep so I went ahead and gave her a few bites and she gagged. We have tried it a couple more times and she is tolerating it, not enjoying, but tolerating. I was asked by an amazing photographer to come and assist her at a wedding and I am DYING to work with her! It would mean leaving Ava for at least 10 hours since the location will be out of town and she shoots for 8 hour per event. How can I leave my stubborn little girl when I know she will just scream the whole time? Will she eventually take a bottle if she is hungry enough?!?!?!?!?!?!?! How can I work when I'm worried about her!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

Moving on...Aden is wonderful :) I love my boy so much. He walks around all day saying. "Oh what is that?" Actually it's more like, "Oh wha dis dat?" It's so fun to hear the new things he comes up with. I let him carry his blankie around all day but I'm trying to cut back on the binkey usage. I give him his blankie and he says, "eeeeeekie eeeeeekie!" (binkey binkey) So cute!

So I have decided that it's time to go shopping! I seriously haven't bought new clothes (besides maternity clothes) in sooooooo long. I feel frumpy all of the time so tomorrow I'm going to shop the Memorial Day sales! WooHoo :) After birthing/nursing two children in under two years I think it's time to try and look good again.

Oh Oh Oh!!! Scott won a qualifying tournament here and now he gets to go play in San Fransisco and if he is in the top 4 or 5 spots then he gets to play in the US OPEN!!! How cool is that?!?!?! He is such a stud muffin. I wish that I had that kind of talent :)

I like my family...I think I'll keep them.


Unknown said...

Aawww poor Ava. Teething is BROCCOLI! Seriously! I REALLY REALLY hope that Ava will soon take a bottle so you can take up the photography - that would be SOOOO incredibly awesome Katie!

I am in DIRE need of new clothes also - it's ridiculous! I hit up a couple of Memorial Day sales yesterday but only walked out with some adorable clothes for Tyler - figures, right?