Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Big Girl

I'm not sure if I have blogged about this in my past posts (and I don't have time to go read through them right now) but Ava is crawling--like--really crawling and has been for a few weeks now. A week after she started crawling, she started pulling up onto things. She stands up holding onto the couch, the ottoman, the bathtub, chairs, she will crawl to you and stand up holding onto your leg! It happened so fast...all of a sudden, she was standing in her crib, bouncing up and down while she held onto the side! I was shocked!!!!!!! Any way, I am so impressed with my little squirt :) 

Standing with Daddy
silly girly


Holly said...

She is such a big girl!! Her looks are changing soooo much!!! She is seriously the prettiest girl Katie!

Genny said...

Go Ava! Walking is just around the corner now. I miss you, I keep wanting to say Hi at Moms, but then things have already started. I'll catch you next week!

Cris said...

She is too cute!!! You are in trouble now...the crawling...almost walking. =) Have a great week!