Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Noggin...

...is killing me. I have had migraines for as long as I can remember. They have sent me to urgent care, the emergency room and in for CAT scans multiple times. Of course, DRs never find a tumor, I just have migraines. Migraines that make me throw up, make my face go numb and my vision to blur. My migraines scoff at Tylenol, Advil, Motrin and more. BLAH. So now I'm waiting for Scott to get home so that I can go to urgent care and put myself out of my misery. Prescription medication, here I come! I've never been so excited to drug myself...


RitzFamily said...

I can only imagine how bad they must hurt. I do however completely understand wanting prescription drugs for some relief when all else fells! Hope they give you some relief. Praying for ya!


Hailey said...

you poor thing. how terrible. glad you were doing better tonight and looking lovely - never would have guessed you were hard up for some prescription med's earlier in the week!!! Enjoyed our conversation immensly tonight.