Monday, October 4, 2010

He's Four

My beautiful boy is four. Four. Just saying it feels foreign. Now, he has to eat four bites of his dinner, not three. He uses words like "delectable". He goes to school three days a week. He's learning about fire safety.....his vocabulary word this week its "tart". He's done learning how to crawl, walk and talk. Today, he played with Mia on the playground for a full 10 minutes. He chased her, laughed with her, climbed the big boy toys with her. I want to take her home with us, bottle her up, and love her for engaging him for so long! He now says that he has a best friend. "Aiden Lugar. A-i-d-e-n". He knows that Aiden's name is spelled differently than his....he is four....but he's still my Baby.