Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Dentist

This morning Aden had his second visit to the dentist. While we were in the waiting room, a mean little boy pushed Aden into a stool so that made the visit start out on a rough note. The nice lady who works there let us go play in the back room so that the mean little boy would stay away from my sweet little angel! ;) Anyway, he was happy as a clam until I layed him back into Dr Okamono's lap-then the screaming began! His scream is the most unbelievable thing you have ever heard. My ears have started ringing soooooo many times after he has screamed next to me in the cavities! Yay! Also, his little tooth that he bumped a few weeks ago looks perfectly normal. The surrounding gum tissue is healthy and it has returned to it's original color. I am so glad that his little mouth is perfect. No more blue tooth. The Dr said that he most likely had a little bruising in the tooth but that it goes away just like any other bruise would. So we left with a sticker, a new red toothbrush and some seriously cool neon green sunglasses!


The Plonski Family said...

Dr.Okomoto was our dentist growing up too, he's such a great guy! So excited to hear Aden's little chompers are doing well! I saw the beautiful pics of Tyler, please let us know if you need another gorgeous baby to practice with! :)

Sabrina said...

lol, he just must be the best pedi dentist in the desert, lol. He was my dentist too. Yay for no cavities! that's always nice to hear.