Saturday, August 30, 2008

Good Girl

Last night Ava had a really hard time going to sleep. She fussed in my arms for 30 minutes...finally I layed her in her crib to fuss by herself. Eventually she cried, so I walked with her and she went to sleep. She kept waking up, crying, and I kept having to pat her. Scott was out with his friends from work last night so I crawled into bed at 9pm. I heard her fussing through the monitor but she settled herself down. She slept from 9pm-midnight! I know that doesn't sound like a lot but it is for Ava. THEEEEEN....she nursed in bed with me and slept until 4:20am!!!!!!!! I was so excited that I slept for over four hours in a row. Then she slept and was up for the day at 6am. I can totally handle this schedule so if she wants to keep it up then I am fine with it! I know it sounds bad-but it is so much better than before. Everyone PLEASE PRAY that she will settle down at night-I really need it. I was so proud of her and happy to see her when she woke up this morning. Speaking of waking up---isn't today a beautiful day?!?!?! We woke up to a black sky, complete with thunder and lightening. I have a huge fear of lightening (long story) but it has greatly diminished since I've had children. Now I want to be brave for them (so they aren't afraid of it) instead of running and hiding under the covers when I see a flash of light or hear a rumble. 

Yesterday was my Daddy's birthday! We had a big dinner with the whole family (except Noelle!) at Las Casuelas Quinta. Yuuuuuummy :) Scott had v-ball practice so he was late. My babies were so very well behaved. Sometime I get nervous about taking them both out by myself because they are still really little and can get fussy verrrry fast. Toddler+infant+diaper bag+2 highchairs/highchair covers+2 sippy cups+baby food+a million others things to remember/carry=one anxiety filled Mommy! HAHA My anxiety is getting better though (I think??!?!?! LOL)

OK this post is long enough. I haven't had time to ramble on and on for awhile so here it is :) Have a great, rainy day everyone.


Unknown said...

Katie!!! I am so happy that Ava slept for you!! I'm praying that she keeps up this schedule and is better for you at night! I'm LOVING this weather too!! Although we have to leave it and go to Irvine for the day : ( Of all days...right? Hope you have a good one! XOXO