Thursday, September 11, 2008


I've been tagged! Here are 6 unspectacular  things about myself...

1. I am obsessed with socks. It will be 110 degrees outside and I will come home, wash and lotion my feet, and put on a nice pair of fuzzy socks. To me, socks make a bad day better :) I probably have 30 pairs of socks and an entire drawer designated as the "sock drawer".

2. I can't go to church unless mine and the kid's outfits are picked out and ready to wear (washed, ironed if needed) the night before. AND if poor Scott comes out and even remotely matches me, he must turn around and pick something else out. Sometimes he has to try a few times before it's right, and sometime I just have to go into his closet and pick something out for him....come to think of it, this might explain why we are rarely at church these days...hmm.

3. I've had a gym membership for 4 months and I have only went twice. I think that the kid's room is waaaaaay too dirty and I didn't like the girls that helped out in there. I am very particular about who watches my precious babies (I don't get out much, I guess) and these people just don't cut it. SOOOO, I waste $50 a month for mine and Scott's gym memberships, all the while holding on to the hope that someday, someday, someday, I will get to go to yoga again!

4.  (stealing this one from Holly) I love to read. Right now I'm reading "Anticancer: A New Way Of Life" by David Servan-Schreiber MD PhD.  You can find it at Costco right now for only $14.99 and it is just AMAZING! It will change the way you think about everything you do-I promise.

5. I have no time to call people back. If you call me and want to chat please don't take offense if I rush you off of the phone, swear I will call you in 10 minutes and then you don't hear from me for a week. It's not that you aren't important, or that I have forgotten about you, it's just that I still don't get any sleep and at the end of the day when the babies are finally asleep, I am to tired to talk.

6. If someone puts dirty dishes on the "clean dishes" side of my sink, I freak out. The left side is for clean dishes to sit and dry once they've been washed and the right side is for dirty dishes. I really don't like it when the left side of the sink gets germs in it and then I have to clean it out for the next set of clean dishes to go in. Yes, I do have a dishwasher but somethings are just too big or not dishwasher safe so they go in the CLEAN side of the sink. haha. DO NOT come to my house and do dishes for me-you will just give me anxiety :)

OK I have to tag 6 people...but everyone I know has already been tagged :( I guess I need to make more blogger friends!


Shannon B. said...

Oh! I am so totally with you on the sink thing! I always learned there are just some things you shouldn't put in the dishwasher. :-)